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Welcome to royal aromatics store
From 2,543 EGP


It is an aroma characterized by a bouquet of fragrant aromatic, bitter, and sour scented tones that will provide a natural, fresh, and balancing perfumed sensation. When you examine it more closely after application, you will notice a lingering quality of softer fragrance citrus, fresh and fruity hints that conceal an essence of elegant, light, and pleasing feelings.

50ml 100ml 250ml

How to use

  • You can use Aida essence as a perfume for women.
  • Apply a small drop of the perfume to your inner wrists, along your jawline, behind your earlobes or into the ends of your hair.


  • A small point, a light rub, fragrant, and long-lasting (6-8 hours). Perfume Oil's power, use a little scent for a long time, not pungent, best, try it and you will know the difference.
  • Oil of Royal Aromatics  “The best perfume oil made entirely of natural ingredients”
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